J still loves to read. He especially enjoys books with babies in them. I would read to him and he would point out to the babies and say “baby!”
Today I wanted to share my compilation of books that celebrate babies, the many different faces of babies, and books that empower little minds. A few of these I shared in my 20 Book Recommendations for Baby’s First Library.
The first 4 books are new to our collection. I love the graphics and how they feature children of color. I think it’s good for J to see babies that look like him and don’t look like him. My Friends is a Japanese translated book that features a little girl who learns from her friends – most of which who are animals. Little You & My Heart Fills with Happiness is illustrated by the same artist and I like how warm and heartfelt these books are. Who? A Celebration of Babies is also a cute book. Features many families from different backgrounds – which is nice to see.

The next segment of book recommendations we had for a while now – with the exception of “I Am So Brave!”. We really like the books from Stephen Krensky, J has asked me to read these books over and over again. It’s short and well illustrated. We’ll be purchasing the last book to complete our collection. We also really enjoyed I Like Myself. Originally I purchased this book before J was born, but he’s been taking a liking to it. It’s a bit longer than some of the other books, but he has the patience for this one.

Next up, let’s focus on some baby faces. Baby Signs is a great educational tool for both parents and babies. I didn’t know any sign language before this. Baby Faces – this indestructible book is a good one to get early. Our’s is all crumbled up. It was a great sensory toy for J as a baby and now that he’s a little bit older, he likes going through all the expressions and copying them. Baby says Peekaboo! is one of our most well loved books. So much that the thing is pretty much destroyed. The binding is all chewed up and taped back up, every single page has been ripped out. But he still loves it! Feminist Baby – He’s a Feminist too! is a good spin off of the original. Overall I thought it was decent but the ending could be a bit better to end on a stronger note.

Sometimes they’re different, sometimes they’re not. I think overall the message I want to share with J is, it’s okay to be whoever you want to be. Except When they Don’t talks about stereotypes between boys and girls. Mary Wears What She Wants is and empowering story for both boys and girls. It’s also based on a true story. Pink is for Boys talks about how colours are for everyone. Dear Boys is a great book that J has been really enjoying. It teaches him to be compassionate, try his best, and make friends with those who may be different than him.

What do you think about our recommendations? Are there books you recommend that we check out?
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