Baby Home Mom Stuff Organization

Changing Table Organization – KonMari method

January 3, 2019

Our dresser is something we use everyday. As JT grew bigger, I stopped using it as a changing table but I still keep all of my essential items organized here. The dresser is placed next to my bed – which is where I tend to change him, so it’s important to me that everything is organized and within arms reach.

I came up with this set up before he was born and to this day my dresser is still organized like this. I found this very helpful to keep track of what we own and to ensure we utilize what we have before he grows out of it.

Changing table inserts with baby essentials

The dresser was purchased at IKEA along with the inserts. This has been great for keeping things organized. I have everything I need to change my son all on the top drawer. The inserts ensures that everything has a home – and that consistency helps my husband find what he needs without asking me.

This is what I have:

Row 1, from L-R:

Cloths for butt, cloths for face, small accessories, diapering products, clothes.

Row 2, from L-R:

Diapers, hygiene/medical items.

Note: If you have a husband who’s helping out, one thing that helps him not mix up the cloths (for butt and face) is to always place it in the same spot. Originally I left a post-it note labeled “bum bum” so he couldn’t mix it up!

Onesies folded Kon Marie style

This was inspired by Marie-Kondo’s folding method. It really helps us see everything we have while keeping items neat & tidy. As he grows out of his clothing, I just rotate everything out and store it away.

Swaddle blankets - Kon Mari style

In the second drawer, this is where I keep my swaddle blankets, current sleepers (not pictured here), and baby towels. Even though he grew out of swaddling months ago, we still use these as blankets.

In the third drawer (not pictured), I have back up of diapers and wipes – last thing I want is a butt naked baby with no diaper or wipes in sight. This is also where I store my sleep sacks.

I find that when I have a place for everything, I’m able to place the items back where they belong and this has become a sustainable system for us. Every now and then, as JT grows out of his clothes I would review the clothing I have and store away what doesn’t fit while replacing it with the next size up.

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